Palin in Iowa
By Capt. Fogg
If you've taken Economics 101, you've heard of Adam Smith and the "invisible hand," the principle that causes markets to be self-regulating. It's usually considered to be at least a vertebrum in the backbone of conservative philosophy, but people (if we use the term loosely) like Sarah Palin apparently aren't aware of Smith or of principles of any kind, even if she can see a library from her window.
Adam Smith, whom some consider to be the father of capitalism, thought it fair, right, and proper that the wealthy should pay proportionately more in taxes than the less wealthy. By Sarah's dim light, however, the father of capitalism would be a socialist. In the crepuscular gloom of her perky little mind, any kind of tax is socialism: It's spreading the wealth around. Handing out government cheques as a stimulus isn't socialism, but to reduce taxes is the same as to increase taxes because it is socialism if it's taxes. Okay, so you're not from a small town and probably not a real American, so to make it perfectly clear, Obama's proposed tax cut for 95% of Americans is:
Got that? Less is more and more is less and together it's socialism. Spreading $600 cheques around isn't socialism, because it's just giving (real) people back the money wealthier people paid in, but lowering taxes on nearly everybody is socialism because not only is it spreading money around, but a "massive tax increase":
It's really impossible to make any sense of this gibberish, other than to infer from it that she's opposed to funding anything the government does, opposed to having the government do anything but pay for her husband's basketball tickets and her feloniously padded expense account -- opposed to government itself.
Who knows if it makes sense to her or to her audience or whether either of them care? It's a hate session. It would be less effective if it made sense. It's the kind of mockery that used to precede pogroms and purges and witch hunts and various slaughters of various innocents in the more primitive dream world Mad Sarah looks backward to as a guide. As pure chant-and-response shamanism, it seems to be as effective at eliciting shrill cries of "kill him" and "socialism" from the howling jackals as it is at scaring the hell out of anyone rational. Indeed, is anyone rational not terrified of allowing this simple-minded sociopath anywhere near Washington?
(Cross-posted from the Swash Zone.)
If you've taken Economics 101, you've heard of Adam Smith and the "invisible hand," the principle that causes markets to be self-regulating. It's usually considered to be at least a vertebrum in the backbone of conservative philosophy, but people (if we use the term loosely) like Sarah Palin apparently aren't aware of Smith or of principles of any kind, even if she can see a library from her window.
Adam Smith, whom some consider to be the father of capitalism, thought it fair, right, and proper that the wealthy should pay proportionately more in taxes than the less wealthy. By Sarah's dim light, however, the father of capitalism would be a socialist. In the crepuscular gloom of her perky little mind, any kind of tax is socialism: It's spreading the wealth around. Handing out government cheques as a stimulus isn't socialism, but to reduce taxes is the same as to increase taxes because it is socialism if it's taxes. Okay, so you're not from a small town and probably not a real American, so to make it perfectly clear, Obama's proposed tax cut for 95% of Americans is:
the philosophy of government taking more, which is a misuse of the power to tax.
Got that? Less is more and more is less and together it's socialism. Spreading $600 cheques around isn't socialism, because it's just giving (real) people back the money wealthier people paid in, but lowering taxes on nearly everybody is socialism because not only is it spreading money around, but a "massive tax increase":
It leads to government moving into the role of taking care of you, and government and politicians and, kind of moving in as the other half of your family to make decisions for you.
It's really impossible to make any sense of this gibberish, other than to infer from it that she's opposed to funding anything the government does, opposed to having the government do anything but pay for her husband's basketball tickets and her feloniously padded expense account -- opposed to government itself.
Who knows if it makes sense to her or to her audience or whether either of them care? It's a hate session. It would be less effective if it made sense. It's the kind of mockery that used to precede pogroms and purges and witch hunts and various slaughters of various innocents in the more primitive dream world Mad Sarah looks backward to as a guide. As pure chant-and-response shamanism, it seems to be as effective at eliciting shrill cries of "kill him" and "socialism" from the howling jackals as it is at scaring the hell out of anyone rational. Indeed, is anyone rational not terrified of allowing this simple-minded sociopath anywhere near Washington?
(Cross-posted from the Swash Zone.)
Labels: 2008 election, Adam Smith, Barack Obama, conservatism, economic theory, economics, government, Sarah Palin, taxes
Palin's knowledge of economics is similar to her knowledge of Foreign policy. She has sipped a diluted shot of some real knowledge and then taken off trying to sell it without knowing the product. Her handlers say she is a quick-study, but apparently not so quick to connect the dots and make sure she is at least keeping in line with her boss, nevermind actual facts.
Grant Haws, at 10:35 PM
Add that to vicious, unscrupulous and dishonest and you have quite a package.
Her latest is that setting of a bomb in Atlanta designed to kill innocent people is not terrorism, but blowing up a statue in Chicago is a terrorist attack on America.
What a loathsome creature she is.
Capt. Fogg, at 9:09 AM
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