Truth in Comics
By Creature

If it's Sunday, it's Truth in Comics.
(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)

If it's Sunday, it's Truth in Comics.
(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)
Labels: Sarah Palin, Truth in Comics
Labels: Sarah Palin, Truth in Comics
posted by creature at
8:00 AM
A blog on politics, philosophy, science, sports, and the arts -- featuring news, commentary, and analysis by Michael J.W. Stickings and the Reaction team.
This NYT blog by Judith Warner:
One of the worst poisons of the American political climate right now, the thing that time and again in recent years has led us to disaster, is the need people feel for leaders they can “relate” to. This need isn’t limited to women; it brought us after all, two terms of George W. Bush. And it isn’t new; Americans have always needed to feel that their leaders were, on some level, people like them …
There’s a fine line between likeability and demagoguery. Both thrive upon manipulation and least-common-denominator politics. These days, I fear, this need for direct mirroring — and thus this susceptibility to all sorts of low-level tripe — is particularly acute among women, who are perhaps reaching historic lows in their comfort levels with themselves and their choices.
Bottom line: There is a lot more to loose than an election unless we get our act together.
Swampcracker, at 9:09 AM
Yes, just like Barack Obama and identity politics - hmmmmmmmmmmm. Only thought of this problem now that Palin is on board? Hypocrite!
Anonymous, at 2:29 PM
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