Friday, September 12, 2008

Calling McCain a liar to his face

By Creature

Good for The View hosts calling a spade a spade. Now, if only someone would explain to John McCain that Barack Obama didn't force him to be a lying, sleazy ass by not agreeing to town-hall meetings. This is how he justifies his slime. Incredible. Anyhoo, The View:

Update: The Obama campaign responds and how...

Today on "The View," John McCain defended his campaign's latest ad campaign, which has been debunked repeatedly as both false and sleazy. In running the sleaziest campaign since South Carolina in 2000 and standing by completely debunked lies on national television, it's clear that John McCain would rather lose his integrity than lose an election.

South Carolina in 2000. Wow.

(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)

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  • Why do we put up with the lies from the McCain campaign??? Whe don't we just brand with the name they deserve --deceitful liars every time they make another one of there false accusations. Perhaps the American people will get the message-- They can't believe anything from Mc
    Cains group

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:22 AM  

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