Unconventional women

Conventional blogging -- (8/22/08) A New York Times headline* (in the Fashion and Style section) reads: "The Year of the Political Blogger Has Arrived." Many bloggers raised money for the trip to Denver on their websites. But getting credentials has been a big challenge for less well known, less well-off political blogs, such as Pam’s House Blend and Phillip Anderson's The Albany Project. But both of them managed somehow to do so because of generous readers. Others with more clout, such as Matt Stoller of Open Left, fared better.
There are two kinds of blog credentials, says the NYT. "The first is a national credential, which offers the same access granted to members of traditional news media organizations. The second, more coveted credential is the state blogger credential. It allows one blogger per state to cover the convention alongside its state delegation, with unlimited floor access." Or they can hang out at The Big Tent. To quote further:
This year, both parties understand the need to have greater numbers of bloggers attend. While many Americans may watch only prime-time television broadcasts of the convention speeches, party officials also recognize the ability of bloggers to deliver minute-by-minute coverage of each day’s events to a niche online audience.
. . . But some bloggers see the procurement of credentials as less of a privilege and more of a right, in recognition of their grass-roots influence.
. . . One perk that bloggers will have access to in Denver is the Big Tent, an 8,000-square-foot two-story structure adjacent to where the convention is being held. For a $100 entrance fee, 400 credentialed bloggers will be allowed to enter the air-conditioned space, hosted by a coalition of progressive blogs and organizations and sponsored by the Web sites Google and Digg, where they can eat meals and find work spaces with Wi-Fi.
. . . Among the devoted readers who believe Mr. Odum deserves their donations is Nate Freeman, one of two Democratic candidates for lieutenant governor of Vermont. Mr. Freeman, 40, gave about $100 to Mr. Odum’s laptop fund, and said he would contribute $50 for Mr. Odum’s convention trip. "Barack doesn’t need my 50 bucks, Mr. Freeman said, but John does."
Texas Politics reported that a "San Antonio lawmaker has a prime convention spot. Sen. Leticia Van de Putte of San Antonio, a co-chair of the Democratic National Convention in Denver, said she just found out she'll be chairing the gathering on Wednesday." But the entire Texas delegation did not fare as well. They got snubbed in the general seating. "When it comes to seating at the Democratic convention, Texas is no Idaho," according to Trail Blazer's blog at The Dallas Morning News. Perhaps it will help that Governor Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas was to have been the speaker at the Texas delegation's breakfast meeting Monday, according to DemConWatch.
My blog friend Fayrouz In Dallas wants us to know this. Her path is "The Pursuit of Happiness." She has become a U.S. citizen. Congratulations, Fay!
My blog friend Txsharon at BlueDaze wants this -- "Obama/McCain: End America's Oil Addiction," partly because of this: "Big Oil. HUGE Money. ENORMOUS Influence."
Texas has always had a reputation for gutsy women. We will see some of them at the Democratic National Convention this week. And we will also read about it from some good progressive women bloggers who will give us more of the scoop on what is actually happening. I'll get back to them as the week progresses.* link from a gutsy woman from New York, betmo, at life's journey
(Cross-posted at South by Southwest.)
Labels: 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 election, blogging news, Texas, women
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