Top Ten Cloves: Things that can go wrong with Obama announcing VP choice via email
By J. Thomas Duffy
News Item: Text Messages and Tea Leaves
10. Intern in Obama Campaign communications gets creative, sends it out as a dirty limerick.
9. RNC sends out fake email, saying Obama will have co-VP's -- Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.
8. If they are sending it this week, they better have the name "Michael Phelps" in the subject line if they want people to open it.
7. Because its lengthy, or has a lot of hyper links, most service providers screen it out as Spam, and don't deliver it.
6. For VP choice to work, you must forward email to 10 other persons, for good luck.
5. Hillary sends her own email out, saying it would be cathartic to name her VP.
4. Since it he doesn't use computers, it will be weeks before Stumblin' Bumblin' John McCain finds out about choice.
3. Email gets intercepted and VP Choice is, suddenly, a new prince from Nigeria, and is asking for your help in retrieving $10 million.
2. Email announcement Plan B -- original plans were to put it out via clues with Scrabulous, on Facebook.
1. Email gets hacked -- millions receive message that voting for Obama will add inches to your penis.
Bonus Links
LA Times: Obama's VP choice imminent via website, e-mail, text message
CBS News - Rove: Obama Will Make Political Veep Pick; Suggests Choice Of Virginian Tim Kaine Would Be An "Intensely Political Choice" That Ignores Responsibilities Of Presidency
FiveThirtyEight: The Persistent Myth of the Bradley Effect
Top Ten Cloves: Ways Obama Campaign Can Re-Introduce Michelle Obama

(Cross-posted at The Garlic.)
News Item: Text Messages and Tea Leaves
10. Intern in Obama Campaign communications gets creative, sends it out as a dirty limerick.
9. RNC sends out fake email, saying Obama will have co-VP's -- Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.
8. If they are sending it this week, they better have the name "Michael Phelps" in the subject line if they want people to open it.
7. Because its lengthy, or has a lot of hyper links, most service providers screen it out as Spam, and don't deliver it.
6. For VP choice to work, you must forward email to 10 other persons, for good luck.
5. Hillary sends her own email out, saying it would be cathartic to name her VP.
4. Since it he doesn't use computers, it will be weeks before Stumblin' Bumblin' John McCain finds out about choice.
3. Email gets intercepted and VP Choice is, suddenly, a new prince from Nigeria, and is asking for your help in retrieving $10 million.
2. Email announcement Plan B -- original plans were to put it out via clues with Scrabulous, on Facebook.
1. Email gets hacked -- millions receive message that voting for Obama will add inches to your penis.
Bonus Links
LA Times: Obama's VP choice imminent via website, e-mail, text message
CBS News - Rove: Obama Will Make Political Veep Pick; Suggests Choice Of Virginian Tim Kaine Would Be An "Intensely Political Choice" That Ignores Responsibilities Of Presidency
FiveThirtyEight: The Persistent Myth of the Bradley Effect
Top Ten Cloves: Ways Obama Campaign Can Re-Introduce Michelle Obama

(Cross-posted at The Garlic.)
Labels: 2008 election, Barack Obama, Veepstakes
Libby Spencer, at 9:25 AM
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