Lame satire
By Michael J.W. Stickings
It may be satire, of a kind, and the editor responsible for publishing it may be defending it, but, whatever else it is, it's pretty lousy satire that badly misses the mark. The mark, of course, is the right, the Republican smear machine that targets Obama -- caricaturing him as a dangerous, anti-American, pro-terrorist Muslim black man -- but is it clear what the mark is, or that it is even intended as satire?
To those of us who are familiar with The New Yorker, yes, I suppose it is. But not to everyone else. And satire, I would argue, must at some level be obvious, that is, must be understood to be satire.
My initial reaction to it was, Oh, I see, that's supposed to be how the right is portraying Obama. I get it. But then: Yeah, that's not funny at all. And not terribly perceptive. Or creative. Actually, pretty lame. And cheap.
So the magazine cover is either a) lame, or b) not obviously satire. Maybe that's part of the joke -- right-wingers not getting it. But that's not funny either. We already know right-wingers don't get it, just like we know they don't need The New Yorker to show them on its cover what they already think of Obama.
I can't get too worked up about it, though. It's the cover of a magazine that I rarely read -- and, when I do, it's in electronic form. I'd be more worked up if it were, say, Time or Newsweek, but, even then, it's not like a cartoon of such lameness will change any minds.
(More reaction here.)
It may be satire, of a kind, and the editor responsible for publishing it may be defending it, but, whatever else it is, it's pretty lousy satire that badly misses the mark. The mark, of course, is the right, the Republican smear machine that targets Obama -- caricaturing him as a dangerous, anti-American, pro-terrorist Muslim black man -- but is it clear what the mark is, or that it is even intended as satire?
To those of us who are familiar with The New Yorker, yes, I suppose it is. But not to everyone else. And satire, I would argue, must at some level be obvious, that is, must be understood to be satire.
My initial reaction to it was, Oh, I see, that's supposed to be how the right is portraying Obama. I get it. But then: Yeah, that's not funny at all. And not terribly perceptive. Or creative. Actually, pretty lame. And cheap.
So the magazine cover is either a) lame, or b) not obviously satire. Maybe that's part of the joke -- right-wingers not getting it. But that's not funny either. We already know right-wingers don't get it, just like we know they don't need The New Yorker to show them on its cover what they already think of Obama.
I can't get too worked up about it, though. It's the cover of a magazine that I rarely read -- and, when I do, it's in electronic form. I'd be more worked up if it were, say, Time or Newsweek, but, even then, it's not like a cartoon of such lameness will change any minds.
(More reaction here.)
Labels: 2008 election, Barack Obama, humor, magazines
To me, at least in part, it's another bit of proof that anything poking fun at American stupidity and bigotry will be seen as offensive. Perhaps it's by coincidence, but several viral e-mails arrived the same day seeking to prove that Obama is a subversive, and a foreign subversive at that. When I saw the cover, I saw something making fun of the people who write such things.
I've read the New Yorker for at least 50 years and their covers routinely rub our noses in our craven stupidities, sometimes with affection, sometimes not. When the err, it's too often in forgetting that they may be writing for the literati, but that's not always who is reading.
I'm reminded a bit of certain people's reaction to cartoons of Mohammad.
Capt. Fogg, at 9:54 AM
Stating the opposite to what one means, recognized as such by the listener is called sarcasm....if unrecognized it is called irony.
John Cleese once pointed out that Americans had real difficulty 'picking up' irony.
The New Yorker was attempting sacrcasm, publishing a cartoon depicting the opposite to what its editors believed, presumably depicting the presumed prejudices of red necked Republicans...unfortunately, a great number failed to recognize the cartoon for what it was....which was quite a cartoon.
Anonymous, at 1:16 PM
"To those of us who are familiar with The New Yorker, yes, I suppose it is. But not to everyone else. And satire, I would argue, must at some level be obvious, that is, must be understood to be satire."
Derrrrrr... drooooooooool... nuuuuu...
Anonymous, at 10:43 AM
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Anonymous, at 7:42 AM
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