Thursday, February 07, 2008

Obama -- now more than ever

By Edward Copeland

I know that Mitt Romney had a big uphill climb at this point to be able to keep John McCain from getting the GOP nomination, but dammit, I wanted him to win anyway because he'd be the easiest one to beat. Barack Obama could beat McCain, but McCain will make it closer than it should be. (Don't believe for an instant that outraged Republicans will abandon McCain in droves. Only cretins such as Limbaugh and Coulter would prefer Hillary to McCain because they know that Hillary would make them more money than McCain would.)

However, the sad fact is that Hillary as the nominee doesn't have much of a chance of winning and, against McCain, is almost certain to lose. Obama would make it a real race, especially seeing him on a stage debating McCain, with his youthful 46 making McCain's early 70s look even older.

With the Democratic contest so tight and Hillary already seeking to change the rules after she won the meaningless Michigan and Florida primaries to get their delegates. (You know, she would have a fair case if it were just Florida, but since all the other major Democratic candidates weren't even on the Michigan ballot, that could hardly prove fair). Then, there are the nearly 800 superdelegates to consider, elected Democratic officials and other party hacks. For all the superdelegates who hold office, they damn well better vote the same way their districts did (be it for Obama or Hillary), because if they do otherwise their constituents will have a moral obligation to vote the House members and any senators on the November ballot out over that issue. It's not like these Democrats have accomplished much since they took over Congress last year, why not toss them out if they try to ignore the voters' wishes, especially if it's coming at Hillary's behest, making her seem more like Dubya than ever before.

All is not lost yet, but it damn well could be unless everyone rallies behind Obama. Otherwise, we will be swearing in President McCain in January 2009.

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