Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Pucker up

By Michael J.W. Stickings

Well, the Bushies have always had a special place in their familial heart for tyrants.

And for whatever reason, this photo seems to sum up much of what's wrong with them -- the Bushies, not the tyrants. The two women off to the side, flowers in hand, the two Bushes, father and son, side by side, hosting a tyrant, backing him up, with the Cold War academic, who just happens to be a black woman, their advisor, their chosen one, extending her arms in warmth and friendship to their invited guest, the tyrant, a former KGB agent, the czarist ruler of a country she has spent her life studying, all one big happy family, blessed be the Bushes and their tyrannical friends, how much they have in common.

(See here for the set of photos at the BBC.)

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  • To say nothing of their love for the House of Saud or Prescott's connections to the Nazis....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:39 PM  

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