Thursday, June 21, 2007

Fuck you and your snowflakes

By Creature

You know, I failed to mention yesterday how fuckin' pissed off I am at Dear Leader for vetoing the stem cell bill, again. I knew it was coming, we all did, yet the level of pissed in my system is at an all time high over this one. A couple of fuckin' cells do not constitute an embryo or a life. The same cells that have the potential to save a life, or thousands, will just be thrown into a fuckin' dumpster. What a waste.

And what a waste of a human being our president is.

(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)

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  • Some anti-stem cell moron was on Hardball last night arguing with Ron Reagan. Reagan rightfully pointed out that even without research, about 400,000 pre-embryos were just tossed in the trash anyway and it was ridiculous that they are counting these 100-140 "snowflakes" that have been implanted and been born. Maybe this is part of Dubya's secret draft plan. He doesn't want to destroy pre-embryos so they can grow up to get killed in Iraq.

    By Blogger Edward Copeland, at 12:20 PM  

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