The monster in the mirror
By Creature
I just came across this paragraph from a post on Blogs for Bush [I will not link, that's what The Google is for] regarding the "monster among us" as reason for the Virginia Tech shootings:
This Bush booster needs to take a good long look into his conservative mirror.
(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)
I just came across this paragraph from a post on Blogs for Bush [I will not link, that's what The Google is for] regarding the "monster among us" as reason for the Virginia Tech shootings:
The monster I refer to is the monumental depravity of our society - the combination of glorified violence, socially acceptable rudeness, a sea of pornography, seeking to assign blame rather than accept responsibility, rampant greed for the things of the world, the concept of "its ok to lie" in certain mix this vile brew and you will be forced to drink it to the dregs...and what happened [Monday] was just another sip of the cup.
This Bush booster needs to take a good long look into his conservative mirror.
- Glorified violence: the war in Iraq, a death penalty lust, torture
- Socially acceptable rudeness: the vice president telling Senator Leahy to "go fuck himself," Bush's use of the middle finger
- Sea of pornography: Libby's novel, Bill O'Reilly's novel, Lynne Cheney's novel
- Assign blame rather than accept responsibility: Alberto Gonzales re AttorneyGate, Donald Rumsfeld re Abu Ghraib
- Rampant greed: war for oil, war for Haliburton, corporate cronies
- The concept of "it's ok to lie" in certain circumstances: Gonzales, Libby, Rove, Cheney, Bush
(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)
Labels: blogosphere, Bush, conservatives
They will trot out the same tired arguments if an asteroid falls on New Jersey next week. This guy didn't go nuts because of television or rap music or gay marriage or any of the other shibboleths - he went nuts because he was human and going nuts is a human affliction. It's an affliction that won't go away despite lectures on personal responsibility or despite bans or laws or wiretaps appeals to family values or protests or rubber bands worn on wrists.
It wouldn't matter if he was Korean or from Kansas, they'll blame it on liberals even though he's from a very repressive culture up to its eyeballs in family values.
And you're absolutely right, if the depravity and hypocrisy Bush has presided over were a monument, it would dwarf anything else in Washington.
Capt. Fogg, at 2:43 PM
These kinds of Shootings are only done by less than 1 thousandth of one percent of Americans. That’s hardly a sign of widespread depravity and supposed "moral decline."
Anonymous, at 7:00 PM
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