Happy birthday, LSD
By Libby Spencer
They say if you remember you weren't there, but there are some things I remember vividly from the 60s. LSD is one of them. Via d at Lawyers, Guns and Money, I'm reminded that 69 years ago today, Albert Hofmann discovered lysergic acid diethylamide -- or, in the common vernacular of the day, acid. But it was Abbie Hoffman who made LSD famous when he "turned on and tuned in with 250 micrograms -- ten times the threshold dosage in humans." That reminded of two things.
First was the time I spent with Abbie. I was on the defense team when he was in court with Amy Carter for protesting Iran-Contra at UMass in Amherst. Around the office we called the file "CIA on Trial." Maybe the press did too. I don't really remember. But I do remember Abbie.
We hung around the office after work and he told me stories. He was articulate and charming. He tried to get to get into my pants. He didn't, but I did literally buy the shirt off his back. I gave him eight bucks and he took it off his t-shirt and gave it to me. It was kelly green with yellow lettering that says: My country invaded Nicaragua and all I got was this lousy t-shirt. I still have it.
Reading about his acid trip also reminded me of the time I dropped a four-way barrel of Orange Sunshine acid by mistake when I went to see the Who perform Tommy. It was a long trip and long story. If you're interested in the reminiscences of this old hippie, you can read my recollection here.
(Cross-posted at The Impolitic.)
They say if you remember you weren't there, but there are some things I remember vividly from the 60s. LSD is one of them. Via d at Lawyers, Guns and Money, I'm reminded that 69 years ago today, Albert Hofmann discovered lysergic acid diethylamide -- or, in the common vernacular of the day, acid. But it was Abbie Hoffman who made LSD famous when he "turned on and tuned in with 250 micrograms -- ten times the threshold dosage in humans." That reminded of two things.
First was the time I spent with Abbie. I was on the defense team when he was in court with Amy Carter for protesting Iran-Contra at UMass in Amherst. Around the office we called the file "CIA on Trial." Maybe the press did too. I don't really remember. But I do remember Abbie.
We hung around the office after work and he told me stories. He was articulate and charming. He tried to get to get into my pants. He didn't, but I did literally buy the shirt off his back. I gave him eight bucks and he took it off his t-shirt and gave it to me. It was kelly green with yellow lettering that says: My country invaded Nicaragua and all I got was this lousy t-shirt. I still have it.
Reading about his acid trip also reminded me of the time I dropped a four-way barrel of Orange Sunshine acid by mistake when I went to see the Who perform Tommy. It was a long trip and long story. If you're interested in the reminiscences of this old hippie, you can read my recollection here.
(Cross-posted at The Impolitic.)
Both this and the longer post about your gargantuan acid trip are great, Libby. I remember my first, rather mild experience with LSD. A friend and I took only half a tab or hit each (I have no idea how standarized these measurements are). We hung out at his place while his mom was at work. The main thing I remember, offhand, is that there was some tv show on about a cop partnered with a dog, and I believe the dog could talk. Okay, okay, I know how that sounds, but I seriously think the dog had some sort of voice-over. Maybe it was just his observations. At any rate, I remember at one point the dog broke a bottle of beer and started drinking it. Needless to say, we were amused.
., at 1:21 AM
I certainly do recommend that readers check out your recollection, Libby. It's great.
Michael J.W. Stickings, at 1:38 AM
Shit, I used to do a hit of Window Pane before school in junior high (pun) for a couple months. Was fun but expensive. I always liked the LSD experience (my concert trip was Jethro Tull in Nassau Coliseum, lost the car in the parking lot and had to wait until most everybody left to find it), but I had friends who didn't do so well with it. I think it all depends how your brain is wired.
Fixer, at 5:40 AM
Heraclitus - EVERYTHING was amusing when we were tripping as I recall. I used to tell people I took drugs to get an edge on the humor in life. It made it easier to see the irony.
Thanks Michael. I toyed with the idea with cross-posting the long post but it felt really too long. I didn't want to monopolize the front page here.
Fixer - I didn't drop for the first time until I was 17 and I never dropped that much at once again. But, it's true some people just didn't do well with it.
Libby Spencer, at 10:29 AM
Libby, I think I love you.
My preference was always shrooms. I did a few "heroic" does as per Terrence McKenna in the mid-90's and I'm still trying to process all the information gleaned.
creature, at 11:50 AM
That should read: heroic doses. Doh.
creature, at 11:52 AM
LOL Creature. I KNOW I love you. I bet we could trade some stories.
Libby Spencer, at 2:39 PM
Oh, I agree, Libby, lots of thinks were laugh riots whilst tripping (although I also spent a lot of time just staring at white walls and watching flowers and other shapes unfold in these really beautiful blue and pink outlines). But being presented with a show featuring a talking police dog that drank beer the first time I tried LSD--it seemed too good to be true (and, hell, maybe it was. Maybe we were really watching Cops or something).
., at 9:44 PM
LOL Heraclitus. I still can't really say what was real and what was imagined on my very first trip either. It wasn't what I expected though. You know how you're expected psychedelic colors like visions of Peter Max paintings. That never happened.
But I always did love the giggly stage.
Libby Spencer, at 12:15 PM
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