Sunday, February 25, 2007

What does it mean to support the troops?

By Heraclitus

The Unapologetic Mexican has a very interesting, thoughtful and compelling post up about the rhetorical phrase "support our troops," the way it's used, what it really means, how it functions to exert pressure on people to affirm some things and refrain from criticizing others. His basic argument is that criticism of Bush, while obviously justified, doesn't go nearly far enough in really opposing the Iraq War. "Support the troops" still implies that the basic mission of "the troops" is justified, and ignores the ever increasing numbers of soldier refusing to go to war in Iraq or publicly criticizing the war and demanding an end to it. I doubt you'll agree or disagree with all of it, but it is an exceptionally penetrating and thought-provoking post, even by Nez's standards. Also check out the comment thread.

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  • From:
    Oaktown Girl
    Minister of Justice

    Party Patriot Heraclitus


    Heraclitus, I'd like to speak with you about the cool clubhouse site we are setting up for the WAAGNFNP. Please post a comment on the Visitors' thread so I can get your contact info. Thanks.

    By Blogger Oaktown Girl, at 9:43 PM  

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