Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sunday frog blogging

By Michael J.W. Stickings

This has been a very serious blog of late. Well, even more serious than usual, with posts on such topics as the nightmare known as Dubya; the rogue president; the monarch of America; Bush's war on Iran; escalation -- the surge in Iraq and the possibility of war with Iran and Syria; the surge speech itself -- here and here; and fascism in the religious right.

And so on and so on. Scroll down for all of our posts from the past two weeks.

There have been some non-political posts as well as all the political ones -- see here and here, for example -- but let's do another. Here are a few amazing animal photos from The Globe and Mail:

A young Amazon milk frog on the head of an adult Amazon milk frog at the Frankfurt zoo:

Giant panda baby Mei Lan and her mother Lun Lun at the Atlanta zoo:

An small albino alligator (and a little turtle) at the Sao Paolo aquarium:

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