Sunday, November 12, 2006

So frothy

By Heraclitus

Okay, my last post was on college football, so the obvious sequel is a post on anal sex. Dan Savage has a great post up on Rick Santorum's defeat, and Savage's own small role in it, which essentially consisted in helping to make Santorum santorum. In other words, Savage's contribution was making Santorum into a laughing-stock. Santorum pissed Savage off when he informed us all that teh gays want to fuck your dog (although, as Savage notes, what he actually said was that anyone who engages in oral or anal sodomy, gay or straight, wants to fuck your dog). I wish that I could pick a paragraph to quote as the high point, but it's all just so good. As always, Savage is razor-sharp in exposing hypocrisy and bullshit moralism.

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