Californians challenge so-called Intelligent Design
From the L.A. Times: "A group of parents in the small Tehachapi mountain community of Lebec on Tuesday filed the first lawsuit challenging the teaching of 'intelligent design' in a California public school."
Those parents have my undivided support. And as a student of philosophy, albeit political philosophy, I find the attempt to teach ID as philosophy utterly reprehensible. Somewhere, Socrates's screams are echoing around the cave.
For more, see The Carpetbagger Report, Pharyngula, and a guy who knows a thing or two about California politics, Calpundit himself, Kevin Drum at Political Animal.
My last post on ID, with links to all my previous ones, is here.
Those parents have my undivided support. And as a student of philosophy, albeit political philosophy, I find the attempt to teach ID as philosophy utterly reprehensible. Somewhere, Socrates's screams are echoing around the cave.
For more, see The Carpetbagger Report, Pharyngula, and a guy who knows a thing or two about California politics, Calpundit himself, Kevin Drum at Political Animal.
My last post on ID, with links to all my previous ones, is here.
Did you mean to say Plato's screams echoing around the cave?
Anonymous, at 6:03 PM
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