Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Santorum says Democrats are anti-science because they don't want to rape the planet and destroy humanity

In what world are the Democrats anti-science? Why, in Rick Santorum's world, of course. As he said in Ohio on Monday:

"But if we don't provide those opportunities for those jobs that can sustain a family, for power in this country that is affordable, not just coal but all energy," Santorum told a crowd of supporters at Froehlich's Classic Corner restaurant. "It drove the economy of Southwestern Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio for a long time. And through a variety of things — yes, problems with management, problems with negotiations — but actually there were bigger problems. The bigger problems of environmental regulation. In many cases environmental regulation that has gone extreme, particularly in this administration."

"What they have done? And I referred to it the other day and I got criticized by some of our, well, less-than-erudite members of the national press corps who have a difficulty understanding when you refer to someone's ideology to the point where they elevate Earth, and they say that, well, men and humanity is just of a variety of different species on the Earth and should be treated no differently."

He continued: "Whereas, we all know that man has a responsibility of stewards of the Earth, that we are good stewards and we have a responsibility to be good stewards. Why? Because unlike the Earth, we're intelligent and we can actually manage things."

"It's so funny that this party that criticizes the right for being anti-science, but when it comes to the management of the Earth, they are the anti-science ones!" the candidate declared. "We're the ones who stand for science and technology and using the resources we have to make sure we have a quality of life in this country and maintain a good and stable environment."

Er, no. Rick, you're anti-science because you believe in nonsense like so-called "intelligent design" (or more accurately in your case, creationism), because you take as gospel what the oil and gas lobby tells you about global warming (which is that there's no such thing), because... you have no regard for science... because you and your party have been waging war on science.

And it's not being pro-science, or pro-stewardship of the earth, to rape the earth of its resources without any regard for the consequences, including global warming.

And there won't be "a good and stable environment" if you and your party get your way.

You're not intelligent just because you're human.

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  • Once again, the trash he and the others constantly spew have me sputtering - I can't find words to express how disgusted I am with their twisted view of things. And how truly scary it is that there are so many Americans who believe them and pass thier spew along.

    By Anonymous marybdvm, at 8:54 AM  

  • Intelligent design is no scientific theory, A scientific theory must be able to be disproven. To hold this up as science is to suggest it is possible to prove the nonexistence of God. So not only is ID the antithesis of science it is also sacrilegious.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:04 PM  

  • Funny, it was -his- party's president that cut back on stem cell research, and it is -his- religion that preaches God wouldn't allow climate change so it's obviously bad science. One could go on and on and on. Adam and Even lived with dinosaurs. The earth and all its denizens were created by "God" about six thousand years ago. And on and on, total insanity.

    By Blogger Jacobus 323, at 6:25 PM  

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