Herman Cain embraces his own stupidity

If you think this, I am willing to put down good money that I can convince you otherwise.
Yes, today candidate Herman Cain actually said this: "We need a leader, not a reader." Okay? Do I win my bet?
He really said that. Responding, in essence, to charges that he is a moron, he has decided that the best approach is to fully embrace his imbecility, as if to say, "sure I'm an idiot, which is exactly what America needs."
I have joined others in pointing out that the current wave of conservative politics is up to its Neanderthal brow in anti-intellectualism. Obama's Ivy League education is held against him. Rick Perry's inarticulateness is promoted as a sign that he is a man of action. Profession of a belief in scientific principles is considered dangerous for would-be GOP nominees.
We've seen all that and more. But I did not think we would see a candidate, a front-running candidate, declare that knowledge, and the reading required to obtain it, is something a president would be better off without.
I did not see that coming, which begs the question, how much sadder can this get?
(Cross-posted at Lippmann's Ghost.)
Labels: 2012 Republican presidential nomination, anti-intellectualism, Herman Cain, Republicans
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