Has the Herman Cain bubble burst?
(Ed. note: The air is coming out of the bubble, and his time may well be up. Almost. And yet he's in the lead in Iowa, 28-21 over Romney. A lot can change, and will, before the Iowa caucuses, and Cain will decline, but conservative Republicans are still looking for someone, anyone to be their anti-Romney. And for now Cain's it, even more than Perry. -- MJWS)
You know what they say about living by the sword.
In politics, the same goes for polls.
Rick Perry realized when the mere prospect of his entrance into the
2012 Republican presidential race made him an automatic frontrunner
immediately following the announcement of his candidacy, polls are
flattering. In Perry's case, the polls proved to the pundits and the
naysayers that he could be a contender, that he could win the GOP
nomination, and that people liked him – or at least that they liked him
more than they like the other guy, which, in the GOP primary race,
actually meant that they didn't dislike him as much as they disliked the
other guy.
the media sinks its talons into a candidate, which is what happens when
public opinion polls show him or her as a potential frontrunner, every
aspect of his private and public life is opened up to mass dissection,
dissemination, speculation, and criticism. Every piece of legislation he
backed, every gaffe or false statement he makes, every twitch, stutter,
and scratch goes instantly viral.
happened to Perry. It happened to Michele Bachmann when she was briefly
considered a contender in the 2012 Republican presidential race, and
it's what is now happening with Herman Cain, whose straw poll victory in
Florida a while back turned him into a top-tier candidate almost overnight.
went from being ignored by both the media and the other candidates to
being an instant political celebrity. Needless to say, the scrutiny
hasn't done him any favors.
only has he caught fire for his opinions about Muslims, his claim that
poor people should blame themselves for not being rich, and his
statement that the United States should build an electric fence along
its border with Mexico, the last week of Cain news coverage centered on
the heart of the pizza executive's campaign platform – his signature
9-9-9 tax proposal.
the GOP debate in Nevada Tuesday night, the 9-9-9 plan was eviscerated
by every candidate on stage, from the frontrunner on down.
he said, "I love ya brother, but let me tell you somethin'. You don't
have to have a big analysis to figure this out. Go to New Hampshire
where they don't have a sales tax, and you're fixin' to give 'em one.
They're not interested in 9-9-9."
Santorum, in his usual "family values" pitch, said he opposed the 9-9-9
plan essentially because it didn't do anything to encourage married
couples to have children.
who had inferred during the last debate that the 9-9-9 plan was
satanic, said Tuesday night that she opposed the proposal because it
would give Congress a 9-percent sales tax, and "how long will it take a
liberal president and a liberal congress to run that up to maybe 90
percent? Who knows?" (A technicality here: If Cain were elected
president – the only chance the 9-9-9 plan would have of becoming a
national policy – there wouldn't be a "liberal president" in office.)
Ron Paul said "the worst part about" the 9-9-9 plan is that "it's regressive."
lot of people aren't paying any taxes," Paul said, "and I like that. [But] I don't think we should even things up by raising taxes. So it is a
regressive tax, so it's very, very dangerous."
as he may, Cain just couldn't convince anyone on the stage that the
independent analysts who said his plan would raise taxes on 84 percent
of households were wrong. As evidence of his distinguished colleagues' ignorance, Cain relied on a rather interesting cliché.
is an example of mixing apples and oranges," he said. "The state tax is
an apple. We are replacing the current tax code with oranges. So it's
not correct to mix apples in oranges."
again, unfortunately," he said at another point in the debate, "none of
my distinguished colleagues who have attacked me tonight understand the
plan... It's apples and oranges."
Mitt Romney, the current frontrunner, asked Cain, "Herman, are you saying that the state taxes will also go away?"
"No," Cain replied. "That's an apple. We're replacing a bunch of oranges."
"So, then Governor Perry was right?"
"No," Cain said. "He wasn't. He was mixing apples and oranges."
amused, Romney asked, "Well, but, will the people in Nevada not have to
pay a Nevada sales tax and in addition pay the 9 percent sales tax?"
Romney," Cain said, as annoyed as the rest of the field was
entertained, "you're doing the same thing they're doing. You're mixing
apples and oranges. You're going to pay the state sales tax no matter
what. Whether you throw out the existing code and you put in our plan,
you're still going to pay that... That's apples and oranges."
Romney replied, "and I'm going to get a bushel basket that has apples
and oranges in it, because I'm going to pay both taxes, and the people
of Nevada are going to pay both taxes."
Anderson Cooper then put the question to Newt Gingrich: "Speaker
Gingrich, you have said in recent days that Cain's 9-9-9 plan would be a
harder sell than he lets on. How so?"
"Well," Gingrich said, "you just watched it."
Before the debate began, L.A. Times reporter Michael Hiltzik wrote that "Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan would probably be seen as just another cockamamie tax scheme
were it not for his surprising ascendance to front-runner ranks in the
Republican Party primary. Yet one of the more interesting questions
raised by the plan hasn’t gotten much attention: What accounts for the
enduring popularity of such tax nostrums, when they never pencil out?"
A few hours later, Hiltzik got his answer when "the enduring popularity" of 9-9-9 met Earth.
So has the Cain poll bubble burst?
Labels: 2012 Republican presidential nomination, Herman Cain, Iowa, Mitt Romney, Republicans
I think Herman Cain is the BEST man for President. He has a plan, sticking with it, and his plan will change our government systems for the best. He is a self made man with top success, he speaks the peoples language, he does not get rattled, and best of all, he is not a politician......
Anonymous, at 1:07 PM
Anonymous people...
Muddy Politics, at 12:43 AM
Indeed. There are Cain trolls everywhere these days, it seems.
Michael J.W. Stickings, at 1:49 AM
Who can't write proper English.
Yes, sure, he has a plan and is sticking with it whether it's the same one he had last week or not. That's all it takes is a plan. After all, Marx had a plan. . .
Capt. Fogg, at 4:06 PM
Cap Fogg, Michael JW and Muddy are doing exactly what Cain said every liberal would do: they are 1)ignoring the facts 2)shifting the subject and c) resorting to name calling. Of course, they will always point out the many orthographic liberties that people take when posting online and label them ”misspellings” in hopes of establishing a psychological superiority over the people whom they disagree with, a trick that is as lame as it is laughable. Also...notice how they will immediately insult ANYONE whose opinions conflict with theirs; Muddy and Michael JW started insulting the first poster without actually analyzing the opinion he expressed in his post. Also, Capt Fogg went as far as to compare Cain to Marx...even though Cain is nothing like Marx. It's crystal clear that the people who are ganging up on Cain are just a bunch of low-class individuals who live with the idea that EVERYONE owes them something. Also...you might wanna add hipocrisy to their ignorance, just look at Capt Fogg's message. He is reproching the first poster for making many typos when he too is rebukable of the exact same thing: just look at the horrible punctuation in his message ! Seriously guys, stop bashing people for not having the same opinions as you, it's not like you're going to change their minds or anything. Cain IS a self made man, Cain IS a respectable person qualified to lead others. Whether or not he is qualified to be President is something for the PEOPLE to decide. I know, it pisses you off when people disagree with you. You don't want there to be other people with other different opinions. But hey..get used to it. I thought liberals championed democracy, and last time I checked the diversity of opinion was an integral part of democracy.
Anonymous, at 11:52 AM
hypocrisy* My mistake...don't wet your pants Fogg :-))))
Anonymous, at 11:54 AM
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