Four things I think I know about politics
By R.K. Barry

of them are original, but they are all, I believe, important. I am also
reasonably sure they are obvious to anyone who cares to pay attention.
The first one I believe comes from legendary Democratic strategist James Carville
and it concerns the relative lack of interest most people have in
politics. It's about political messaging and it goes like this: "When
you want voters to know something about your position on an issue or
about your platform, you first have to tell them what that thing is and
then tell them again and finally tell them you told them. About the
moment when you are absolutely sick and tired of saying the same thing
over and over and over again, some people will start to listen."
second is the sad observation that no matter how stupid or untenable a
statement, someone, probably many people, will believe and repeat it.
They may believe the idiotic statement because they are predisposed to
believe it or it might be that they think, foolishly, that anything that
has been picked up by the media might have some truth to it. And,
what's more, most people like to have something to say at the water
cooler or wherever it is they converse with other human beings. Most of
us do like to think that we are somewhat well-informed or at least not
clueless. I can't say how many times I have heard someone opine that
despite what most people believe about "x," they have also heard that
"y" could be true. Think here about climate change, birtherism, Obama's
religion. Put it out there and someone will repeat it. I'm not
counselling dishonestly, only what can happen.
third thing is that political campaigns matter because that's when a
lot of people who are generally only vaguely interested in politics, if
at all, start to pay attention. As for point #1, during campaigns all
your telling and re-telling may finally start to stick with people. And
as for point #2, by the time things get serious there is a lot of bad
information that has already become part of the landscape for all sorts
of nefarious or just ignorant reasons.
So here
is my fourth point, which may only be a corollary of points above but
it's this: those of us concerned about the truth should never weary of
saying the same things over and over again -- the same things that may
have become tiresome and obvious to us -- because there will come a time
when people start to pay attention and you don't want the purveyors
of bullshit to have a leg up when things get real.
More than anything, politics is a battle of attrition. Let's just make sure that our truth outlasts their lies.
(Cross-posted at Lippmann's Ghost.)
(Cross-posted at Lippmann's Ghost.)
Labels: James Carville, politics
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