Glenn Beck attacks Obama over immigration, sinks to another new low
By Michael J.W. Stickings
Another day, another level of crazy for Glenn Beck.
As C&L's David Neiwert reports, Beck, in response to President Obama's coming efforts to address the illegal immigration problem, put on a little show yesterday. Playing Obama, Beck doused a guest, who was supposed to be "the average American," in water, which was supposed to be gasoline, and lit a match.
Do I even need to explain what Beck was getting at? Basically, in supporting immigration reform, Obama wants to destroy America. It was yet more right-wing populist fearmongering from one of the worst perpetrators in the business.
As David points out, what Obama actually supports is not amnesty but, quoting the NYT:
That's pretty tough. There would be a path to citizenship for those already in the country, but there would also be an emphasis on preventing illegal immigration through heightened, and tightened, security. I realize that might not be enough for Beck, but it's not exactly the most "sweet" and "sensitive" approach to the problem.
No matter to Beck, though, the populist showman, for whom not getting it has never stopped him from espousing right-wing madness and pandering to the nativist bigotry of his audience. "And then he wonders why people think he's promoting a violent and paranoid right-wing worldview that is bereft of anything approaching reality."
There's no greater glennbeck than Glenn Beck himself.
Another day, another level of crazy for Glenn Beck.
As C&L's David Neiwert reports, Beck, in response to President Obama's coming efforts to address the illegal immigration problem, put on a little show yesterday. Playing Obama, Beck doused a guest, who was supposed to be "the average American," in water, which was supposed to be gasoline, and lit a match.
Do I even need to explain what Beck was getting at? Basically, in supporting immigration reform, Obama wants to destroy America. It was yet more right-wing populist fearmongering from one of the worst perpetrators in the business.
As David points out, what Obama actually supports is not amnesty but, quoting the NYT:
[L]egislation that would bring illegal immigrants into the legal system by recognizing that they violated the law, and imposing fines and other penalties to fit the offense. The legislation would seek to prevent future illegal immigration by strengthening border enforcement and cracking down on employers who hire illegal immigrants, while creating a national system for verifying the legal immigration status of new workers.
That's pretty tough. There would be a path to citizenship for those already in the country, but there would also be an emphasis on preventing illegal immigration through heightened, and tightened, security. I realize that might not be enough for Beck, but it's not exactly the most "sweet" and "sensitive" approach to the problem.
No matter to Beck, though, the populist showman, for whom not getting it has never stopped him from espousing right-wing madness and pandering to the nativist bigotry of his audience. "And then he wonders why people think he's promoting a violent and paranoid right-wing worldview that is bereft of anything approaching reality."
There's no greater glennbeck than Glenn Beck himself.
Labels: Glenn Beck, immigration, populism, right-wing media
Beck = Treason
Anonymous, at 4:21 AM
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