Pee in my pants frightening
By Creature
Yesterday the Pentagon confirmed the rumors.
The problem with sending belligerent signals to Iran is that as the rhetoric gets more heated, as the brink comes rushing fast, George W. Bush has proven he is willing to take the United States right up to the line and then cross over. If Bush starts threatening Iran you can be sure he will follow through, broken army or not, and that is just terrifying. Pee in my pants frightening. What ever the administration's agenda (most likely oil), what ever the stated excuse (a generational battle between extremists and moderates, wev), the elections have passed and the administration is ready to follow through on the rest of their Middle East destabilizing neo-con plan. This story should be front page news.
The New York Times and Glenn Greenwald have more.
(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)
Yesterday the Pentagon confirmed the rumors.
The United States and Britain will begin moving additional warships and strike aircraft into the Persian Gulf region in a display of military resolve toward Iran that will come as the United Nations continues to debate possible sanctions against the country, Pentagon and military officials said Wednesday. [...]
Senior American officers said the increase in naval power should not be viewed as preparations for any offensive strike against Iran. But they acknowledged that the ability to hit Iran would be increased and that Iranian leaders might well call the growing presence provocative.
The problem with sending belligerent signals to Iran is that as the rhetoric gets more heated, as the brink comes rushing fast, George W. Bush has proven he is willing to take the United States right up to the line and then cross over. If Bush starts threatening Iran you can be sure he will follow through, broken army or not, and that is just terrifying. Pee in my pants frightening. What ever the administration's agenda (most likely oil), what ever the stated excuse (a generational battle between extremists and moderates, wev), the elections have passed and the administration is ready to follow through on the rest of their Middle East destabilizing neo-con plan. This story should be front page news.
The New York Times and Glenn Greenwald have more.
(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)
Maybe it's time for me to buy some stock in whoever makes Depends. I'm very sure that Bush is quite capable of starting another war to save his failing fiascos, like a loser doubling his bets at a crooked crap game.
Capt. Fogg, at 12:23 PM
Hide the women and children, Dubya taking us to war again. Is this really something most Americans want? If it is not what we want, how are we going to stop it? If everybody (I mean everybody) sends in a letter or card demanding no more war, I think it would have an impact. Think about it. A million letters per day showing up at the White House.
Anonymous, at 1:15 PM
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