Old way dead
By Creature
As the president gropes for a new way forward people continue to die.
With Bush's god ready to forgive him, and history ready to vindicate him, it's no wonder that today (metaphorically speaking) means nothing to him.
Reality more.
(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)
As the president gropes for a new way forward people continue to die.
A suicide bomber targeting poor laborers killed 60 people in Baghdad on Tuesday hours before President George W. Bush was to review his unpopular Iraq policy in a video teleconference with U.S. military commanders in Iraq..
With Bush's god ready to forgive him, and history ready to vindicate him, it's no wonder that today (metaphorically speaking) means nothing to him.
Reality more.
(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)
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Anonymous, at 12:29 AM
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