Disorder in the White House
Looking for a good read that has nothing to do with football this first Sunday of the 2007 NFL season? (I'm happy, by the way -- the Steelers won on Thursday and my main fantasy team is doing okay.) Then head on over to the blog run by our friend The Heretik, who diagnoses President Bush with "a bad case of OCD":
Obsessive Caliphate Disorder.
What does that mean? Let's just say Bush sees pan-Arabic "pandemonium" where there isn't any. He sees "dominoes about to fall".
The Heretik sums up the problem: "Bush finds himself in a strange place. He won’t speak with the perceived threats to 'our way of life' because that would give them some legitimacy he wants to withhold. But in talking about them in only messianic terms, he props up and magnifies the very threat he would fight. What is he afraid of? Oh, right. You can't talk with madmen. So let them just grow more mad in the silence. A little less OCD and little more oh, see the real world and deal with it would be helpful."
Yes it would. But seeing the world for what it is and dealing with it accordingly is just the sort of realism Bush eschews. He is, after all, a strange mixture of Manichaean idealist and partisan political opportunist. Don't expect anything to change anytime soon.
Obsessive Caliphate Disorder.
What does that mean? Let's just say Bush sees pan-Arabic "pandemonium" where there isn't any. He sees "dominoes about to fall".
The Heretik sums up the problem: "Bush finds himself in a strange place. He won’t speak with the perceived threats to 'our way of life' because that would give them some legitimacy he wants to withhold. But in talking about them in only messianic terms, he props up and magnifies the very threat he would fight. What is he afraid of? Oh, right. You can't talk with madmen. So let them just grow more mad in the silence. A little less OCD and little more oh, see the real world and deal with it would be helpful."
Yes it would. But seeing the world for what it is and dealing with it accordingly is just the sort of realism Bush eschews. He is, after all, a strange mixture of Manichaean idealist and partisan political opportunist. Don't expect anything to change anytime soon.
I have to love my fellow Americans. About twice as many of us watched the game as watched the Disnefied Path to 9/11 last night.
Who said we don't have good sense?
Capt. Fogg, at 3:29 PM
So Manning v. Manning beat out partisan 9/11 revisionism, eh? That is good news. Perhaps there's hope yet.
Michael J.W. Stickings, at 4:47 PM
Guess football beats drop the ball.
Anonymous, at 6:52 PM
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