Survivor White House
By Creature
Through AMERICAblog, CBS news anchor Bob Schieffer weighs in on the latest episode of Survivor White House:
With all due respect to Mr. Schieffer, I believe he is wrong. I think Rummy is staying on the island, and here is why -- he has a secret alliance with Dick. Don't tell George. George thinks the deal is to get himself, Dick, and Karl to the final three. Silly George, he still thinks Rummy is the next to go. He doesn't yet know Dick and Rummy have picked Karl as the next to be booted. Dick has the power in this tribe. The man has had immunity for years now. Not a press conference held, nor an act accounted for; the guy knows how to play the game. I just wish I could be at tribal counsel when George figures out he has been played. Karl, the tribe has spoken. This game will come down to the jury.
And if you don't believe my secret alliance theory, here is former Survivor, Larry Wilkerson, with an inside view:
Who will take home the million dollar prize (well, in this case, I guess the bounty is in the billions)? The smart bet would be Dick. He is the Richard Hatch of Survivor White House.**
*Bob Schieffer did not say "on the island," hopefully no real clarification was necessary, but just in case.
**For those of you at home that immediately pictured Dick naked due to my Richard Hatch analogy, I am sincerely sorry.
***And for those of you who don't watch Survivor, sorry if this stuff went over your head, but seriously why aren't you watching? Jeez.
(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)
Through AMERICAblog, CBS news anchor Bob Schieffer weighs in on the latest episode of Survivor White House:
Schieffer said he wasn't sure that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, under fire for his handling of the war in Iraq, would endure much longer [on the island*]. He didn't put much stock in President Bush's recent declaration of support for Rumsfeld.

And if you don't believe my secret alliance theory, here is former Survivor, Larry Wilkerson, with an inside view:
IN PRESIDENT BUSH'S first term, some of the most important decisions about U.S. national security — including vital decisions about postwar Iraq — were made by a secretive, little-known cabal. It was made up of a very small group of people led by Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
Who will take home the million dollar prize (well, in this case, I guess the bounty is in the billions)? The smart bet would be Dick. He is the Richard Hatch of Survivor White House.**
*Bob Schieffer did not say "on the island," hopefully no real clarification was necessary, but just in case.
**For those of you at home that immediately pictured Dick naked due to my Richard Hatch analogy, I am sincerely sorry.
***And for those of you who don't watch Survivor, sorry if this stuff went over your head, but seriously why aren't you watching? Jeez.
(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)
Fine, I intended to inflict mental harm, but I still feel a little bad about it.
creature, at 12:31 AM
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