Sign of the Apocalypse #15: Looting in Louisiana
Yes, yes, I know, "the life of man" in the state of nature, a "warre of every man against every man," is "solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short". I've read my Hobbes.
But things are getting ugly in New Orleans, where looting is rampant in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. One observer even referred to the situation in The Big Easy as "downtown Baghdad".
Baghdad it's surely not, but the power of nature has released the more brutish side of human nature, the side that society tries to keep carefully suppressed beneath the veneer of civilization. It may be difficult for us to be confronted with our natural, all-too-human brutishness at a time of such devastation and suffering, but the truth, alas, is the truth, whether we like it or not.
But things are getting ugly in New Orleans, where looting is rampant in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. One observer even referred to the situation in The Big Easy as "downtown Baghdad".
Baghdad it's surely not, but the power of nature has released the more brutish side of human nature, the side that society tries to keep carefully suppressed beneath the veneer of civilization. It may be difficult for us to be confronted with our natural, all-too-human brutishness at a time of such devastation and suffering, but the truth, alas, is the truth, whether we like it or not.
I wouldn't exactly call it a sign of the apocalypse.
Yup, I've read Hobbes as well, but I've always been more fond of Rousseau.
While the looting in Louisiana is terrible, keep in mind that this is an extenuating and extreme circumstance - far from any true state of nature. This is all-out chaos and panic.
Yes, people are acting in a completely uncivilized and brutish manner, but most of these people, in addition to losing everything they owned, are desperate for food, water and medication, and have no other means to get it.
Even during the blackout in northeast America a couple of years ago, there was relatively little looting, and most people were surprisingly civil with each other. But then, we weren't chest-deep in murky waters and our houses were still standing. I would say that this was closer to the state of nature than those left in the wake of Katrina.
Anonymous, at 12:19 AM
And then there are people like this...
Anonymous, at 11:02 AM
A lot of those "desperate souls" looking for food, water, and shelter have resprted to stealing beer, weapons, big screen TV's and computers. Not exactly items needed when you have no power or potable drinking water. I'm sure some are deperate for food but many are just common criminals taking advantage of a desperate situation. Oh yeah, they also attempted last evening to loot the Children's Hospital.
Anonymous, at 12:43 PM
There is no doubt New Orleans is the murder capital of the US. Also, last year at this time I was taking a philosophy class on Rousseau, Hobbes, Marx, etc. I wrote paper after paper about the laws and the state of nature. Like someone said what happened in New Orleans is pure chaos and man must do what is necessary to survive. I am from south Louisiana, and I have been through Hurricane Andrew, Hurricane Lili, and Hurricane Rita. I know people who lived through Katrina. We all must ask ourselves what would we do if put in the situation? What if we thought that by stealing the tv's and clothes we could sell it to get the money we no longer have. Why should they be stopped when no one cared to resolve the levee system which they always knew could break. A system which put them in a death trap, and a government which left them to die. I can understand stopping the thugs from looting, but not the mothers trying to find diapers, milk, and water for her young. During Hurricane Rita my family went without electricity for 8 days. I don't know if anyone has ever been to Louisiana, but if you have you would know the humidity & heat is enough to smother you after one hour of being outdoors. I can't deny that I almost went out of mind during those days, and you realize how important electricity is to you. Society forced these people into the lives they lead not many people would choose to be poor, black, and a criminal.
Anonymous, at 4:50 PM
I'm tired of all the excuses. Society does not force people into the lives they live. It is every normal, adult, human being's responsibility to look after themselves and no one elses. You live how you want to live, because that is how you want to live. It all goes back to the decisions you make in life. I'm a minority. I came to this country with basically nothing. I didn't even speak English. I've made something of myself. What about the people who have lived here for years? They can do the same, but the CHOOSE not to. Don't blame society that is stupid. I think people just lack motivation and that is why they can't progress. As far as the looting goes,the looters weren't people in need. These were criminals. The people in need where the ones trapped in the attics or the rooftops, and they were helped eventually. The storm had just hit that Monday and a couple of hours later, before the flooding was severe, the criminals were out looting on Canal Street where the flooding wasn't that bad compared to other areas. They should have used that energy to save what they had than to go and steal from someone else. People were told were told this storm was to be bad, to prepare for a couple of days. You can not blame the government for everything. The only person one should depend on is oneself. I am from New Orleans and the looters I saw on television are the same group of able-bodied adults that would rather depend on the government for EVERYTHING!!!
Anonymous, at 3:25 AM
Baghdad is far more orderly than the big easy was at the time. It was a catastrophe followed by a cock up, compunded by the difficulty of mobilising disaster relief in a country as vast and as sparsly populated as America.
The fellow above me makes a salient point but overlooks the fact that it is precisly the 'everyman for himself' approach to society or government that created the poverty and the chaos he is complaining about.
That's not to say that releasing dangerous, freshwater sharks to the survivors and not aid would improve the lot of the south but still, just making an observation.
Anonymous, at 2:07 PM
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Anonymous, at 10:49 PM
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