I am Ann Romney
(Ed. note: We received such positive responses to our posts by the fourth Mrs. Limbaugh, Kathryn Rogers, which you can find here and here, that we thought we'd invite another woman married to a leading Republican to write for us. So here you go. Ann Romney -- in her own words. Take it away, Ann!)
So I decided to try this blogging thing after I heard about Kathy
Limbaugh doing it. Can you believe all the problems her and her husband
Rush have been having? Poor Rush. The message was clear enough, but my
husband Mitt and I agree that Rush should have used a different choice
of words. I asked Mitt if he would talk to Rush about it and he said he
would. I think he called him a few times, but Rush hasn't returned his
calls yet. Turns out, Rush is not an easy person to reach.
Anyway, it's great to be here talking directly to the
American people. I am very thankful for the
It is so exciting to be here and to be riding this wave of excitement
and support that you all have shown for my husband Mitt. I have to tell
you, these past eight years haven't been easy for us. I feel like we
have been running for President forever. I remember when we started. At
the time our third home had not even been renovated yet. It's funny.
Somehow I can remember dates and events by which house we were
renovating at the time. But you should see the house now. It is really
And I am proud to tell you we do not employee a single illegal alien!
Our entire staff, in every one of our homes, including the maids,
gardeners, drivers, even the people who tend to our horses, come signed
sealed and delivered, 100% Grade A legal! In fact, just the other day I
was speaking to one of our staff. I can't recall her name, but she told
me how proud she was to be in America legally. I kindly told her "you're
welcome." Isn't that great? The American Dream is alive and well in our
homes and we are so proud to be a part of it!
My family is so proud to be able to employ so many hard working
people. It is a testament to who we are as a family and who my husband
is as a man and as a candidate. I tell you, sometimes with all the
people around us doing all their daily activities, I don't even feel
rich. Sometimes I feel like I am down there in the trenches with all of
them. Sometimes I even help out. For example, the other night I was
helping our chef open a wine bottle and we got to chatting about his
family. His wife works two jobs! Isn't that such a uniquely American
story? I told him I also have two jobs. I look after my husband, which
let me tell you, is a full time job in and of itself, and I am also a
mom to my five wonderful children. It is the hardest job you'll ever
love, I always say. It really humbles me. And it is that experience that
I will bring to the White House as your First Lady.
To give you another example about how normal we really are, I
remember when Mitt worked in the private sector. He would come home
concerned and depressed about all the layoffs that occurred as a result
of some merger or takeover his company had to do that week. But my
husband was and is resilient. By the next day he was singing to himself
again, once more the usual chipper fellow I fell in love with. This is
who he will be as your President. He is not distracted by pessimism. But
he does have feelings and that is what I am trying to convey.
Too often Mitt gets a bad rap for being uncaring or cold. It is so
false. But he takes it all in stride. At the end of the day Mitt
understands that to make things better you have to have "creative
destruction," as he calls it, and then turn that into something better.
That is his plan for America.
As my daddy used to say, you can't enjoy mashed potatoes unless you
first boil raw potatoes until they are soft, mushy and easily squashed. I
never understood what he meant until my husband decided to run for
Governor all those years ago. Now I understand it completely. America is
that raw potato.
President Obama seems satisfied with America being a raw potato. But
as Mitt always says, America needs to be transformed, turned into yummy
mashed potatoes, as we often joke around the dinner table. As President,
Mitt will ensure that America is turned into those mashed potatoes. To
get there will take an entire nation working together to make it happen.
I liken it to Mitt being the restaurant owner with all of you being the
line cooks working hard in the kitchen.
Together we can turn America into a heaping bowl of mashed potatoes! Together we can make America yummy again!
Thank you all for reading. See you on the trail and God Bless America!
Guest post by tmcbpatriot (not Ann Romney, but close)
tmcbpatriot's informative and always entertaining blog, Take My Country Back,
emanates from somewhere out in the Midwest. He writes passionately and
as often as possible about a confused, mindless right wing hopelessly
lost in the abyss of endless lies and misdirection.
Ed. note: This is the patriot's fifth guest post for us. His first was on how it's about the vagina, stupid, his second was on gay marriage and the end of the GOP, and his third and fourth were the posts by "Kathryn Rogers." -- MJWS
Labels: 2012 election, 2012 Republican presidential nomination, Ann Romney, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh
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