To the White House: Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice - you can't get fooled again.
Day after day,
Alone on a hill,
The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still
But nobody wants to know him,
They can see that he's just a fool,
And he never gives an answer
Alone on a hill,
The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still
But nobody wants to know him,
They can see that he's just a fool,
And he never gives an answer
But the Fool on the Hill
The Beatles, 1966

In 2000, when Bush was appointed king by Sandra Day O'Connor, we all knew what we were getting - an inarticulate, brainless simpleton who would pick up a lot of brush and carry out the orders of his billionaire check-writers and born-again disciples. In 2008, I thought as I cast that ballot that we were at least potentially getting rid of 8 years of Republican idiocracy and the enormous amount of destruction the Bush-Cheney reign of terror wreaked upon the planet.
I could not have been more wrong.
By the fact this country did not elect a Republican in 2008 - we should all just lay back and heave a big sigh of relief that no right-wing damage was not imposed on the country for the past 3 years. Stuff like:
Extending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. Keeping Guantanamo open. Backing down on the debt deal. Gutting environmental legislation. Pulling the public option off the table before it even got there. Putting Social Security and Medicare on the table. Failing to prosecute Wall Street crooks. Failing to prosecute war criminals. Failing to repeal telecom immunity. Expanding the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and adding Libya. Giving up on green jobs and high-speed rail. Approving more oil pipelines and offshore drilling. Slashing the safety net. And letting the Republicans completely control the narrative despite their minority status and deep distrust among the populace.
Was I dreaming or did none of that happen?
I gave up on Obama when he caved on the Bush tax cuts last December. After that I thought he would go from being some minor spark of change to a benign and hapless speech giver that would at least prevent a total Republican steam roller.
Yesterday between the speech-gate and smog-gate, I guess I was wrong there too.
This President is a nothing more than Richard Lugar or Chuck Hagel or John Warner - a somewhat moderate 80's Republican. He is no progressive and I don't think he is much of Democrat. In fact I don't think of much of Obama at all anymore.
In the back of my mind I have been trying to justify sticking with him, but the complete collapse on something as little as a speech date - and then a total cave-in to the GOP on the EPA rules - that is it for me.
He's gone from being benign to actually enhancing the rightwing talking point machine. He is Rush's biggest wet dream. I never thought a Democrat could cause so much damage to the very people who backed him - he is actually setting back progressive principles decades. I truly never thought I'd get to this point and I can no longer kid myself.
People can bash me all they want for harshly criticizing a Democratic President. The Democratic party can call me all they want for money - not one nickel for any candidate that does not speak out against the President's current policies. The Barack Obama party doesn't need me or any other individuals for that matter - the endless Citizens United money stream coming from corporate America should be more than enough to pay for his 2012 campaign.
People can say I am ensuring a GOP victory in 2012. It's not me - it's the rest of this deranged country that falls for the lies of the GOP. I wouldn't vote for any of the current crop of Aristocracy running for the Republican nomination. If we end up with a President Perry - who in my mind is now the man (or prune face) to beat for the GOP nomination - then this country gets exactly what it deserves - another Texan who is George W. Bush, Father Coughlin and Josef Stalin wrapped into one big closet case. I guess we really do need a Republican to lead us completely off the cliff to finally wake the fuck up. Apparently reason, logic and presenting the facts don't work in a world competing with Justin Bieber's car accident or J-Lo's divorce.
And as President Perry (or Bachmann) is sworn in on January 20, 2013, many of the billionaires who funded the election of either of these modern-day brown shirts will be flying on their secret rocket to Mars or Krypton or Vulcan.
I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — You can't get fooled again. This country is the Fool on the Hill
Labels: Barack Obama, The President caves again
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