Tea Partier’s nude photo drama fuels TSA paranoia

Tea Party representative from Minnesota recently added herself to the
ever-growing list of Republicans who abhor the space-bubble etiquette
violators known as TSA scanners. The reason was not constitutional in
nature, surprisingly. It did include a riff about airport security
privatization, not surprisingly. But mainly it was personal: Bachmann
will avoid TSA scanners because she fears naked pictures of her will
turn up on the Internet.
have always known that there is a vein the size of a fire hose that
pumps paranoia into the organs of the Tea Party. What we didn't know,
until now, is that the 54-year-old founder of the Tea Party caucus in
Congress is a World Wide Web virgin who so trembles at the unknown ether
world that she has proposed handing over our national security to the
unregulated whims of profit-based corporations in order to thwart potential voyeurs.

yes, some of them show the milk maid farm girl of the Breadbasket in
the nude. Others show her drinking cocktails with suggestive expressions
on her face. Another shows her in the seductive pose of pin-up model. A
few show her as the subject of the Spanish Inquisition-era painting,
The Naked Maja. And at least one shows her in the least flattering light
of all – as a 54-year-old woman (wrinkles, stretch marks, sagging baby
feeders, and all.) For all ye who hath grappled with the curse of
curiosity, rest assured that none of the photos are worth viewing.
Nor would I recommend sharing the photos with Bachmann. That would be like giving The Origin of Species as
a Kwanzaa gift to your creationist Catholic mother-in-law. It would be
like showing a copy of the president's birth certificate to your Fox
News-addicted grandfather. It would be like returning from a hunting
trip and dropping an elk fetus on the dining room table for your six-year-old daughter to dissect as practice for achieving her dream of
one day becoming a veterinarian.
brisk exposure to the World Wide Web might cast Bachmann into the
solitary confinement of a priest's confession chamber for the rest of
her life.
again, it would be irresponsible to become an enabler of such
hyper-paranoia. The truth, as they say, will set you free. So perhaps we
should free Bachmann of her ignorance and open her eyes to how
ridiculous it is to criticize airport security on the hypothetical basis
of leaked nude photos.
fact is, TSA scanners make us cringe not because they are an
infringement on our freedoms, but because we can't accept the fact that
we are imperfect beings. We are a nation of fat people living in a
hypersensitive society where a blemish is akin to sin, and we will stop
at nothing and invest in anything to hide this reality from ourselves.
makeup, the girdles, the loose-fitting clothing, the attempts by "big-boned" women to draw attention to their oversized breasts – via
low-cut blouses and push-up bras – in hopes of drawing attention away from their oversized arses, thighs, and midriffs – these are all zealous yet failed attempts at over-emphasized vanity.
if you're a man with a complex about having TSA workers mock your less
than Herculean genitalia, do what others in your position have
done: overcompensate with intelligence. With a million bucks in your
pocket, you can hire your own airport security. With a trophy wife on
your arm, self-esteem won't matter.
you fear a grainy x-ray image of your figure being leaked to the web,
stop eating at McDonald's, begin an exercise program more vigorous than
lifting your fat ass out of the sofa for a second serving of Häagen-Dazs
every night, and, most importantly, stop worrying about what you
for Bachmann, she's a 54-year-old woman who has brought five beautiful
children into the world. A lifetime supply of Victoria's Secret
lingerie, Cover Girl, and Mary Kay will not turn you into a pencil-thin
supermodel. So get over it. Web surfing voyeurs jacking off to
ultrasound images of your pixilated silhouette should not be a source of
not when there are Kenyan colonialists turning this country into a
socialist state populated by pot-smoking liberals bent on upending the
Constitution and stomping on the graves of our Founding Fathers. Get
your fucking priorities straight.
There's no need to start calling for Israeli interrogation-style airport security just because our body parts don't point in the same direction they did as vestal maidens and strapping young lads.
can promise that a TSA image of Michele Bachmann wouldn't go viral.
Most of us already know what a middle-aged woman looks like nude (we can
all thank Kathy Bates for the hot tub scene in About Schmidt for that
We expect more from our elected representatives in the United States Congress than this.
(Cross-posted from Muddy Politics.)
We expect more from our elected representatives in the United States Congress than this.
(Cross-posted from Muddy Politics.)
Labels: airport security, Internet, Michele Bachmann, paranoia, privacy, Republicans, TSA
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