Sarah Palin won't shut up
Thirty-eight percent
of Americans let out a long sigh of relief this week when Sarah Palin
assured them – and the rest of us who sighed for different reasons –
that no amount of criticism will silence the mother of all Mama
will continue to speak out," Palin told Sean Hannity Monday on Fox. "They're not going to shut me up. They're not going to shut you up – or
Rush or Mark Levin or Tea Party Patriots, or those who, as I say,
respectfully and patriotically petition their government for change."
Here I was thinking that this new wave of civility in political
discourse might convince Fox News contributors (and their big brother,
Rush Limbaugh) to embrace a more measured tone – maybe even abandon the
venomous, fearmongering rhetoric that has entranced even ideological
opposites, if only for its theatrical contributions.
Then I realized that there is
no new wave of civility in political discourse, and that describing
right-wing radicals as "patriots" who "respectfully petition their
government" is about as believable as claiming Paris Hilton is a frugal,
teetotaling virgin. There is only those on the left saying the right is
venomous and those on the right defending their venom as "patriotism."
I was thinking that if the demagoguery ceased, maybe we could all sleep
at night knowing that, despite previous news reports, President Obama
in fact wasn't
going to force us to abort our unborn children and serve their bodies
with collard greens to his Kenyan colonialist brotherhood at a dinner
funded by Jew-killers like George Soros and domestic terrorists like
Bill Ayers.
I realized that conservatism thrives and survives on the sensational
rhetoric and extremist sound bites aired daily on the Fox network, and
for a businessman like Rupert Murdoch, abandoning his bread and butter
would be a boon for the evil empire of MSNBC.
(Cross-posted from Muddy Politics.)
Labels: conservatives, right-wing extremism, Sarah Palin
Doesn't she get that she is an embarrassment to women, US democracy, and an antogonistic war mongor who is self serving and her only desire is to be on camera and get $$$ for doing so at any place she goes to speak her hate speak.
How do we get her out of our lives and off our airwaves....don't shut her up...start to ignore her...I have, I change the channel now as soon as I see her face or hear her squeeky voice.
Mother Grizzley...go home....take care of your 5 kids and hope another doesn't wind up pregnant...and deal with the needs of your special child. He needs you more than the world does.
Anonymous, at 9:22 PM
Please stop comparing yourself to mama grizzly. This lowly person palin should not be allowed to compare herself to a magneficant Mama Bears and/or all creatures. QUITTER palin is a disgrace to our beautiful state of AK.
Anonymous, at 9:51 PM
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