Reunited again

By Libby Spencer
I didn't watch the live video of the Clinton-Obama Unity event, but it appears from the overview coverage that it was a smashing success. It was a well scripted, veritable lovefest and visually appealing right down to Obama's tie that perfectly matched Hilary's outfit.
If there is any remaining tension between the two, you couldn't see in Unity, NH. Obama proclaimed, "Hillary rocks!" Hillary urged her supporters to join the team and put Obama into the Oval Office. Any remaining bitterness on the part of Obama supporters over Hillary's campaign style should have been put to rest today. She kept her promise. She looked more shining and genuine than she ever has in the last year and a half.
The Caucus offered up a more intimate view of the proceedings both from the plane and on the field where they found a couple of die-hard Hillary holdouts. One supporter, a Denver delegate "came all the way from Colorado for the event, even though she didn’t believe in it, because she wanted to convey her support to Mrs. Clinton."
“As a politician, she’s got to try to bring the party together,” Ms. Lewis said. “But I have a gut feeling that something’s going to happen so that she becomes the nominee.” She said she would not vote for Mr. Obama and that when he spoke, she stuffed her ears with tissue.
Her friend, Freda Smith, 79, a former state representative from Salem, N.H., said Mr. Obama was “not qualified” to be president. “We don’t know anything about him,” she said. “He talks about change, but he never says exactly what he means.”
I guess old dreams die hard but I'm betting in the end, even these recalcitrant Democrats will realize that allowing McCain to win would be a grievous mistake. Certainly, for the many couples interviewed that had split their votes between the two, acceptance has already arrived and most seem to be glad to embrace the message.
I have to admit, although I mostly kept it to myself, I nursed some serious doubts that Hillary would put her heart into uniting behind Obama. It feels really good to have been so wrong and to have my respect for her restored.
(Cross-posted at The Impolitic.)
Labels: 2008 election, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton
I hope this works! I really believe with Obama as President, gay marriage will become legal nation wide.
QueersOnTheRise, at 7:43 AM
I hope you're right but I wouldn't pin too much hope on Obama. He's still a politician in the end.
Libby Spencer, at 8:49 AM
The smart money is saying that McCain will draw at least 20% of Hillary Dems and if he does better than that in key states like Florida and Ohio, he will win the election.
I wouldn't be so quick to say we're "reunited" because these were the Dems, the former Reagan Democrats, that the party hard tried so hard to woo back in 2006, successfully. We're losing a fifth of those back? That's not so good.
Carl, at 9:22 AM
It's early yet Carl. The bulk of America is not really paying attention and won't much before the middle of Sept. Still I take nothing for granted.
Libby Spencer, at 9:33 AM
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