A man walks into a bar...
By Capt. Fogg
"I can’t get with any religion that advertises in Popular Mechanics."
–Woody Allen, Annie Hall
Nor can I, but I find it equally incongruous that we have television advertisements for a war financed by people who produce and direct it. Neither the Rosicrucians nor Ari Fleischer hiding behind his warmongering Freedom's Watch group have invented anything here. Contrived religions, wars fought and passionately supported for business reasons, quack medicine and sports insanity are old traditions.
So when a man wearing a Texas Longhorns t-shirt gets his scrotum torn off in an Oklahoma bar by a 53 year old Church Deacon, Federal auditor and veteran of our much honored, supported and honorable armed forces, I'm not surprised. Although neither the scrotum ripping Sooner Supporter nor the de-horned Texas man had ever attended the schools in question, the incident was a clear intention to attack Oklahoma values and freedom by Lone Star insurgents. Pre-emptive castration was the only real option. They attacked Oklahoma, after all. Oklahoma and its barroom bullies had little choice but to defend their freedoms and values and honor. Oklahoma is OK.
(Cross-posted at Human Voices.)
"I can’t get with any religion that advertises in Popular Mechanics."
–Woody Allen, Annie Hall

So when a man wearing a Texas Longhorns t-shirt gets his scrotum torn off in an Oklahoma bar by a 53 year old Church Deacon, Federal auditor and veteran of our much honored, supported and honorable armed forces, I'm not surprised. Although neither the scrotum ripping Sooner Supporter nor the de-horned Texas man had ever attended the schools in question, the incident was a clear intention to attack Oklahoma values and freedom by Lone Star insurgents. Pre-emptive castration was the only real option. They attacked Oklahoma, after all. Oklahoma and its barroom bullies had little choice but to defend their freedoms and values and honor. Oklahoma is OK.
(Cross-posted at Human Voices.)
Labels: dangerous idiots, religion
Captain, how is an old girl from Texas supposed to comment to this post, pray tell?
Carol Gee, at 1:51 PM
I wouldn't say much - not in Oklahoma, anyway!
Capt. Fogg, at 1:58 PM
Capt. Fogg, the majority of people who served in the U.S. military do not and would not ever do such a thing.
You should be surprised.
TorchofLiberty, at 3:47 PM
Who is blaming the armed forces for this drunken, testicle grabbing Oklahoma chauvinist? Not me. Where did I even hint at that?
The point is that our national celebration of beer and football brings out the inner moron in us and makes Deacons into demons. It's no surprise - I've been around a very long time and no human stupidity is a surprise any more.
Capt. Fogg, at 5:14 PM
It seemed like you were insinuating it with
"...and veteran of our much honored, supported and honorable armed forces, I'm not surprised."
And the part you wrote about attacking Oklahoma values and freedom.
If I read to much into it, my apologies.
TorchofLiberty, at 12:26 PM
Just pointing out that an otherwise respected and apparently upright member of the community can be totally insane on the subject of college football - at least in Oklahoma.
Capt. Fogg, at 8:35 AM
I was always raised to fight a fair fight and part of that is never touching another fella's nut sack. I even think there's a man code somewhere stating that if you grab another mans' nuts you're either a fag or a pussy. I wouldn't recommend any of you trash talking Okies come to Texas because there's gonna be blood shed over this Oct. 6th. That part is common sense.
Unknown, at 9:09 PM
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