Damned if you do, damned if you don't
By Creature
Today the Washington Post editorial page slams the "Democratic led Congress" for being "more concerned with protecting its political backside than with safeguarding the privacy of American citizens [...]." A sentiment I agree with, however it's also a sentiment I do not want to hear from the Washington Post's editorial page. A page that has "enabled" all things Bush for the last six plus years.
Even beyond my disgust for the WaPo and their kettle-black editorial page, what's more maddening is that you can be sure that if the Democrats had not passed a revamped surveillance law they would have slammed the Dems for leaving the nation's flank exposed to another terrorist attack.
It's a lesson the Democrats never seem to learn. Follow Bush, don't follow Bush, either way you will be slammed. You're either weak on terror, or just weak, so why not stand on principle and stand up to a 28% president.
(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)
Today the Washington Post editorial page slams the "Democratic led Congress" for being "more concerned with protecting its political backside than with safeguarding the privacy of American citizens [...]." A sentiment I agree with, however it's also a sentiment I do not want to hear from the Washington Post's editorial page. A page that has "enabled" all things Bush for the last six plus years.
Even beyond my disgust for the WaPo and their kettle-black editorial page, what's more maddening is that you can be sure that if the Democrats had not passed a revamped surveillance law they would have slammed the Dems for leaving the nation's flank exposed to another terrorist attack.
It's a lesson the Democrats never seem to learn. Follow Bush, don't follow Bush, either way you will be slammed. You're either weak on terror, or just weak, so why not stand on principle and stand up to a 28% president.
(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)
What concerns me is the general impression that Congress was more concerned with getting on with their vacations than with just leaving the legislation in limbo until they could work on it more seriously. It also bothers me that while the House actually did record who voted which way on the bill, the Senate purposely kept it in the dark and I've yet to find what Democrats joined with the GOP to give it the 60 vote majority there.
Edward Copeland, at 11:06 AM
Edward, here is one list I found:
I can only assume it is reliable.
Carol Gee, at 6:33 AM
The Murdoch owned Post would say anything to erode support for Democrats among moderates and independents. Evan Bayh (Indiana); Tom Carper (Delaware); Bob Casey (Pennsylvania); Kent Conrad (North Dakota); Dianne Feinstein (California); Daniel Inouye (Hawai‘i); Amy Klobuchar (Minnesota); Mary Landrieu (Louisiana); Blanche Lincoln (Arkansas); Claire McCaskill (Missouri); Barbara Mikulski (Maryland); Bill Nelson (Florida); Ben Nelson (Nebraska); Mark Pryor (Arkansas); Ken Salazar (Colorado); Jim Webb (Virginia) did sell our liberties for the opportunity to begin their vacations. Hopefully they can be liberated from office by Democratic challengers when they seek re-election. If they want to hurry home so badly I think we should send them there.
cwilcox, at 1:25 PM
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