Digital cameras
By Heraclitus
Hello, readers. I've been wanting to get one of these digital cameras I keep hearing about (yes, I know, I am teh lame), but I don't know much about them. I'd mainly like to use it to take pictures outside, not just snap shots of family birthday parties and so on. What should I expect to pay? I notice the cheaper ones on Amazon are a little under $100. Are these going to be pieces of crap? The digital camera review sites I've seen mainly review cameras costing several hundred or even thousand dollars. I don't need anything that nice (read: I'm not paying anywhere near that much), but how much should I expect to pay for a decent digital camera that can take good outdoor photos? Thanks.
Hello, readers. I've been wanting to get one of these digital cameras I keep hearing about (yes, I know, I am teh lame), but I don't know much about them. I'd mainly like to use it to take pictures outside, not just snap shots of family birthday parties and so on. What should I expect to pay? I notice the cheaper ones on Amazon are a little under $100. Are these going to be pieces of crap? The digital camera review sites I've seen mainly review cameras costing several hundred or even thousand dollars. I don't need anything that nice (read: I'm not paying anywhere near that much), but how much should I expect to pay for a decent digital camera that can take good outdoor photos? Thanks.
Labels: navel gazing, photography
I look forward to seeing some of your photography here at The Reaction. As long as you don't do any self-portraits.
Michael J.W. Stickings, at 8:51 PM
Screw you, Stickings, you malicious bastard.
., at 9:06 PM
Ah, but I know what you look like. Out here in the blogosphere you're anonymous.
Michael J.W. Stickings, at 10:55 PM
So are you trying to protect my anonymity, or are you mocking my appearance? Are you a rank lookist, Stickings?
By the way, we should talk some time soon. I can't tonight, but my spring break starts tomorrow. And last two weeks. Just in case you needed another reason to hate me.
., at 12:26 AM
But isn't that your picture? If so, I would be a "runawayist."
Is that 50 caliber over your shoulder or are you just qetting ready for quail season? :-)>
What camera you need depends on what you're going to do with the pictures: how large you want to print them, how much you need to crop them, etc. For small pictures to put on line you don't need much, but for 8 X 10 you probably need 5 megapixels and more is better.
It's still hard to beat film and I have done some nice work by scanning fairly good sized prints made from film.
Capt. Fogg, at 9:19 AM
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