Bush and the flag: A case for impeachment?

Given that writing on the flag is illegal, John thinks that Republicans should add it to their constitutional amendment against flag burning. "Then let the Republicans decide if they're going to vote that George Bush defaced the flag, or whether they're going to defend defacing the flag."
A good idea, if you ask me. It's a stupid wedge of an amendment that would sully the Constitution with a partisan restriction on freedom of expression. America can surely withstand the burning of its flag (and the writing upon it) without having to ban it. Or do these self-appointed gatekeepers of patriotism in the Republican Party think that America is so weak as to crumble from such expressions of protest?
Regardless, I'll go further than John. Why not begin impeachment proceedings against Bush? Is that not how Republicans ought to respond to Bush's transgression? If he writes on the flag, he must also hate mom, baseball, and apple pie. He must have nothing but contempt for the United States of America. He may pledge his allegiance, but defacing the flag... well, that says it all. Think how they'd respond if the transgressor was, oh, say, Bill or Hillary.
So, Republicans? Are you prepared to do what you know you must do? Or are you just a bunch of hypocrites looking to score cheap political points.
Your move.
If the Dem’s want to make this truly sublime, perhaps that can file the amendment Aravosis suggests – written on a flag
And so true if one of the Clintons, or a Democrat did this ... They’d shut down the Capital and begin confiscating every flag from every office, looking to build up the case of evidence for untamed, rampant abuse...
They’d charge that ALL Democrats hate the flag ... Along with writing on it, burning, the Dems won’t stop with that ... They’ll try to have it taken out of schools ... They’ll come up with a study, written by a Democrat or Liberal, that says flags contribute to Global Warming ...
For the Mid-Term elections, instead of “Cut-and-Run”, the RNC would charge Democrats with “Write and Burn”
It would become a “Frank Capra-Meets-Busby Berkeley” production of jingoism ... The “God Bless The American Flag Act” would quickly pass, complete with the debate being cut off by the right side of the aisle singing the National Anthem and the Uncle Sam on stilts looking over Bush’s shoulder when he signs the bill ...
PS - I was going to leave this comment, written over a graphic of the American Flag, but I didn't want to see you get overwhelm with hate mail - or, worse, subpoenaed
13909 Antiques, at 7:53 AM
Uh oh, I have a flag sticker on my car; it gets rained on--am I in trouble?
Don't worry about Hilary; she is on the right side here, protecting the flag. And, of course, it's all principled, she has no ulterior motive in supporting bans on flag burning, does she?
Anonymous, at 2:26 PM
Sorry, but that graphic was an AP photo from Michigan a few years ago. I think he was signing flags at the Home Depot or something.
It was shocking then and it is still shocking, but if you read the law, the President of the United States gets to do what ever he wants with the American flag. As to flag desecration, he IS the decider.
That image would have made a great basis for an ad campaign for the Democrats in last election... a guy that thinks he adds value to the American flag by signing his name on it, clearly doesn't understand the meaning of the American flag.
Anonymous, at 1:56 AM
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