All Hail King George
By Creature
If Sen. Arlen Specter is all that stands between us and dictatorship, then, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the new America. Today The Hill is reporting that Sen. Specter has bowed to conservative pressure with respect to a bill that would pretty much make legal Bush's warrantless domestic eavesdropping program. Way to go, Arlen! You manage to talk a good game, but in the end you always cave. For in-depth analysis, I send you to the great Glenn Greenwald. I've let Glenn know you are stopping by, so please don't embarrass me.
Now, for my own bit of half-assed political commentary, it's this paragraph at end of The Hill article that really has me going.
So, not only is Bush's America the new North Korea, we are the new Taliban as well. Not that this Talibanization of American politics is news or new, but it is still outrageous that these bigots control the legislative agenda.
[A hat tip must go to the good folks at Memeorandum.]
(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)

Now, for my own bit of half-assed political commentary, it's this paragraph at end of The Hill article that really has me going.
The panel had been expected to mark up Specter’s and DeWine’s bills Thursday but, instead, the committee will work on legislation on same-sex marriage. Two prominent conservative leaders, Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family and Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, met Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) and Assistant Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) last week.
So, not only is Bush's America the new North Korea, we are the new Taliban as well. Not that this Talibanization of American politics is news or new, but it is still outrageous that these bigots control the legislative agenda.
[A hat tip must go to the good folks at Memeorandum.]
(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)
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