Massachusetts to adopt near-universal health care
Incredible news from my former home state, according to The New York Times:
Let's hope this is the thin end of the wedge and that other states soon follow Massachusetts. I need to look more closely into the details of this plan, but it seems quite sensible at first glance. And if it ends up providing health care to 95 percent of the state's uninsured, what is there not to like about it?
Massachusetts is poised to become the first state to provide nearly universal health care coverage after the state legislature overwhelmingly passed a bill today that Gov. Mitt Romney says he will sign.
The bill does what health experts say no other state has yet been able to do: provide a mechanism for all of its citizens to obtain health insurance. It accomplishes that in a way that experts say combines several different methods and proposals from across the political spectrum, apportioning the cost among businesses, individuals and the government.
Let's hope this is the thin end of the wedge and that other states soon follow Massachusetts. I need to look more closely into the details of this plan, but it seems quite sensible at first glance. And if it ends up providing health care to 95 percent of the state's uninsured, what is there not to like about it?
A really good plan if they get it to work. Not all of it is original, though...Hawaii has had mandatory employer-provided health insurance for years. My concern is that the fine to an employer for non-compliance may not be high enough to be an effective deterrent...the fine per employee per year is probably only as high as one month's insurance premium for that same employee...the employer may as well pay the fine.
Anonymous, at 4:03 AM
Good points, Keith. Romney actually opposes the non-compliance fee, but the Legislature would likely override a veto. This plan needs teeth.
Michael J.W. Stickings, at 9:11 AM
Just a thought - how's universal health care going to play to the right wing when Romney runs for President. I know its a dynamic plan that's not merely the government providing health care but 'universal health care' still has bad connotations to a lot of conservatives. I'll be interested to see how this plays out.
Mike, at 7:53 PM
You're right, Mike. Conservatives could link this (unfairly, of course) to Hillarycare. And for Romney, this could be what, say, immigration is for McCain. I just can't see how he'd ever be able to sell this to the base.
Michael J.W. Stickings, at 2:34 AM
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