The Harper hypocrisy
I knew it would happen eventually, but I always thought it would be later rather than sooner.
As I said on January 25th, for those who thought that Stephen Harper's Conservatives will swoop in and clean up [the government] -- think again. It's frightening how quickly the new Prime Minister has shown his true colours.
Of course, I speak of the new Cabinet appointments, which include Liberal defector David Emerson, who is now Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Pacific Gateway and the Vancouver-Whistler Olympics, and the unelected Michael Fortier (who has been, just now, appointed to the Senate by Harper), who takes the Public Works portfolio.
I find it extremely interesting that the Conservatives would welcome David Emerson with open arms, considering that they harshly condemned Belinda Stronach for doing precisely the same thing in May 2005, shortly before the budget vote. CalgaryGrit offers quotes from various Tory members, including Harper, on the topic.
As Bart Ramson mentions on his blog, at the very least, Stronach sat with the Conservatives for a year. In this election, she was re-elected, so she received her mandate and validation from her constituents -- no one can complain about that anymore. But a mere two weeks after the election has passed, Emerson switches his allegiance. It's nothing but pure ambition on his part, and pure hypocrisy on that of the Tories.
Even worse was the appointment of an unelected minister. Now, as Prime Minister, it was completely within Stephen Harper's power to do what he did. However, from the standpoint that he was elected under his campaign promises of bringing in more transparency, fixing the democratic deficit, and, most importantly, greater government accountability, this is unacceptable.
And the electorate traded Paul Martin in for THIS?
Other major appointments included Peter McKay as Minister of Foreign Affairs (at least it wasn't Stockwell Day, right?) and Stockwell Day as Minister of Public Safety (AAAAAAAAAAH!).
As I said on January 25th, for those who thought that Stephen Harper's Conservatives will swoop in and clean up [the government] -- think again. It's frightening how quickly the new Prime Minister has shown his true colours.
Of course, I speak of the new Cabinet appointments, which include Liberal defector David Emerson, who is now Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Pacific Gateway and the Vancouver-Whistler Olympics, and the unelected Michael Fortier (who has been, just now, appointed to the Senate by Harper), who takes the Public Works portfolio.
I find it extremely interesting that the Conservatives would welcome David Emerson with open arms, considering that they harshly condemned Belinda Stronach for doing precisely the same thing in May 2005, shortly before the budget vote. CalgaryGrit offers quotes from various Tory members, including Harper, on the topic.
As Bart Ramson mentions on his blog, at the very least, Stronach sat with the Conservatives for a year. In this election, she was re-elected, so she received her mandate and validation from her constituents -- no one can complain about that anymore. But a mere two weeks after the election has passed, Emerson switches his allegiance. It's nothing but pure ambition on his part, and pure hypocrisy on that of the Tories.
Even worse was the appointment of an unelected minister. Now, as Prime Minister, it was completely within Stephen Harper's power to do what he did. However, from the standpoint that he was elected under his campaign promises of bringing in more transparency, fixing the democratic deficit, and, most importantly, greater government accountability, this is unacceptable.
And the electorate traded Paul Martin in for THIS?
Other major appointments included Peter McKay as Minister of Foreign Affairs (at least it wasn't Stockwell Day, right?) and Stockwell Day as Minister of Public Safety (AAAAAAAAAAH!).
I hope he gets lambasted by his constituency. He basically ran under false pretenses whether he knew it or not and I bet this is the sort of thing that had been in the works for awhile. You'd think there'd be some kind of law preventing this sort of thing.
Anonymous, at 9:21 AM
Stephen Who?
On his very first day as PM, Stephen Harper showed clear signs of following in the footsteps of the bungling Joe Clark, who not only lost his luggage but succeeded in losing his bearings in Parliament as well. Like Joe, Harper seems to have forgotten that his is a minority government, not a majority one, and seems to have assumed – at great risk to his fledgling government – that the Liberals, NDP and Bloc will not oppose him and force another election for 12 to 18 months.
We shall see if that assumption is valid.
If an election is held soon, the Tories will start off with egg on their faces, due to Holier-than-thou Harper’s baffling judgment on Day One.
Why on earth did Harper harpoon his own left foot?
He did it once, with his turncoat-conversion and the Liberal into the cabinet before anyone can see it sleight of hand.
He did it twice, with his appointment of – among others – Stockwell Day to his cabinet, instead of more women, and more women it important posts. Does the other half of the population – women – not count in Stephen Who’s world?
He did it thrice, with his U-turn on an elected senate. Principles dumped for expediency?
He did it fourthly, with his appointment of a former lobbyist – and then breathtakingly wants to legislate against others being allowed to do the same.
He did it fifthly, with his introduction into Canada of the Karl Rovian doublespeak. Thanks to Stephen Who, Canadians can now also spend delightful hours parsing the speeches of politicians, to decipher just how they are being bamboozled.
What a beginning!
I wonder if he will last as long as Joe Who....
Anonymous, at 11:19 AM
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